Chair for Methods and Psychological Assessment

Emotional intelligence: An international handbook

Citation and License

Schulze, R. & Roberts, R. D. (Eds.). (2005). Emotional intelligence: An international handbook. Hogrefe.

The book as one file

Emotional intelligence: An international handbook

The book in single files per chapter



Part I Introduction
Chapter 1: Theory, Measurement, and Applications of Emotional Intelligence: Frames of Reference
Chapter 2: Models of Emotional Intelligence
Chapter 3: The Emotion Systems and the Development of Emotional Intelligence
Chapter 4: Mindfulness-Based Emotional Intelligence: A Theory and Review of the Literature
Chapter 5: Social and Emotional Intelligence: Starting a Conversation about Their Similarities and Differences
Chapter 6: Far Too Many Intelligences? On the Communalities and Differences Between Social, Practical, and Emotional Intelligences

Part II Measures of Emotional Intelligence
Chapter 7: Measures of Emotional Intelligence: Practice and Standards
Chapter 8: Using Consensus Based Measurement to Assess Emotional Intelligence
Chapter 9: Measuring Trait Emotional Intelligence
Chapter 10: Social Intelligence—A Review and Critical Discussion of Measurement Concepts

Part III Applications of Emotional Intelligence
Chapter 11: Emotional Intelligence in the Context of Learning and Achievement
Chapter 12: Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace: A Review and Synthesis
Chapter 13: The Relevance of Emotional Intelligence for Clinical Psychology
Chapter 14: Emotional Intelligence and Inter-Personal Skills

Part IV Conclusion
Chapter 15: Understanding, Measuring, and Applying Emotional Intelligence

Author Index
Subject Index

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