Lehrstuhl für Methodenlehre und Psychologische Diagnostik

Social Understanding

Successfully navigating the social world is a common challenge that everyone faces on a daily basis. State-of-the-art theories of social intelligences specify multiple components that are expected to play a major role in this context. For example, one such theory is the conception associated with the Magdeburg Test of Social Intelligence (MTSI), where Social Understanding appears to play a central role.

In our research efforts, we focus on the assessment of Social Understanding. Here, as is the case in other domains as well, finding and justifying the correct response in maximum performance tests situated in social contexts is one of the major challenges for empirical research. The Acquisition-Application Task Design provides a scoring rationale around which our research efforts revolve.

Interested in collaborating with us? Considering a Bachelor or Master Thesis in Psychology or an internship in this area? Great! Please contact us -> Prof. Dr. Ralf Schulze, Nadine Wolf & Dr. Maike Pisters