Lehrstuhl für Methodenlehre und Psychologische Diagnostik


Meta-analysis is a systematic method to summarize and integrate empirical findings. This is usually done with the goals to arrive at statements about a field of study that mark the state-of-the-art and to provide overall effect estimates. Hence, meta-analyses usually consist of both a systematic literature review on topics of interest, as well as methods of (re)analyzing the many primary results that research articles report on the specific topic. Such syntheses often allow for a broader discussion of effects reported in the scientific literature and their potential moderators in the absence of the primary data. Additionally, an analysis of bias among the publications can be a valuable byproduct of meta-analyses. Overall, meta-analyses play a central role in scientific evaluation of psychological research but also as an scientific empirical foundation for decision makers to arrive at reasonable practical policy decisions.

There is not a single meta-analytical approach, though. Meta-analyses include procedures to aggregate and estimate effect sizes, quantify the heterogeneity of the results from primary studies, and may also analyze the latent structure based on the meta data. Methods differ, for example, depending on the intended inference, the effect sizes (e.g., r and d), assumption on the predictor (fixed, random, or mixed effects), and the statistical approach to effect size aggregation. Hence, a very large number of decisions have to be made along the way to arrive at empirically founded summary statements for a field of study.

Our activities include research about different methods and procedures that are part of the decision making process in meta-analyses. This includes questions on how to best aggregate effect sizes, the question about the importance of methodological quality of primary studies included in a meta-analysis, and comparisons of different way to estimate and analyze the heterogeneity between studies. Of course, we also conduct meta-analyses on different topics.

Interested in collaborating with us? Considering a Bachelor or Master Thesis in Psychology or an internship in this area? Great! Please contact us -> Prof. Dr. Ralf Schulze, Dr. Markus Jansen & Dr. Maike Pisters